Thursday, August 22, 2013

Performance-Enhancing Drug Education Within Little League Baseball?

Little League Is Doing Their Part to Educate About Drugs

NIMCO, Inc. is happy to hear that Little League Baseball is going to introduce an educational program that will bring awareness to coaches, parents, volunteers, and (most importantly) the young players about the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs. Drug education is a must in this country and with recent reports of suspensions of star athletes from professional baseball, the time is critical to educate our youth that winning and being famous doesn't mean you have to use drugs.

With Red Ribbon Week coming up October 23-31st, how do you feel about Little League starting this education program and how do think it will help long-term? Nimco would love to hear your views on this controversial subject.

To read more about about this story click the following link

For more information about drug education and Red Ribbon Week visit NIMCO at the following link

Friday, August 9, 2013



Bullying is a major problem for children and teenagers. Acts of violence and persecution can happen at school, work, and even in your home. The more we ignore the signs and symptoms the worse it becomes for the youth of our generation.

According to the website bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

We at NIMCO believe that the first step to changing unwanted aggressive behavior is to talk about the subject and make parents, teachers, administrators, and most important students aware of the problem. In 2013, our company developed a new slogan and product line called "Bullying - STAND UP! STAND STRONG! SPEAK OUT! Our goal was to give students and teachers material they could use and wear that proudly displayed the slogan.

Our hope is that these promotional items can help remind students to take a stand against bullying in a positive way. We also hope that the slogan will be a visual cue to those who think about bullying to change their ways before they hurt someone or worse...themselves.

To view the new bullying promotionals click here to view them on our website! NIMCO is also the sole distributor of the 2013 National Red Ribbon Week Theme "A Healthy Me Is Drug Free!" You can click here to view the Red Ribbon Week theme.